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2024-2025 Season

Algonquin League (Tuesdays)

Venue: Algonquin Avenue Public School
Location: 160 S. Algonquin Avenue, Thunder Bay, ON  P7B 4T1
Algonquin League matches start on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 and end with the final playoff on Tuesday, March 25, 2025 for a total of 25 Tuesday night matches. Tea
ms that qualify for the end of year tournament will play on Tuesday, April 1, 2025. Matches are NOT played during the Lakehead School Board's 2-week winter break, 1-week March break or on Halloween. In this recreational league, eight teams play at a novice and intermediate skill level. Match times are at 6pm, 7pm, 8pm and 9pm on Tuesdays unless otherwise noted in the schedule.

Classic League (Wednesdays)

Venue: SUCCI Wellness Centre (Minowaadiziiwin)
Location: Confederation College, 1450 Nakina Drive, Thunder Bay, ON  P7C 4W1

Classic League matches start on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 and end with the final playoff on Wednesday, April 2, 2025 for a total of 28 Wednesday night matches. Teams that qualify for the end of year tournament will play on Wednesday, April 9, 2025. Matches are NOT played during the Confederation College’s 2-week winter break or on Halloween. In this recreational league, twenty teams play at a novice, intermediate and advanced skill level. Match times are at 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm and 10pm on Wednesdays unless otherwise noted in the schedule.

Algonquin Season-Structure

Volleyball Canada Official Rules

Funtime Volleyball follows the Reverse COED 6 rules ( outlined in the Volleyball Canada Rulebook on page 54 with some recreational variations ( applied. Examples: Women’s net height is used (7' 4"), men must hit from behind the attack (10-foot) line, less than six players on a team is OK, timed games, etc.

Please continue reading to become familiar with our league’s rules or skip down to our game play rules below.

Score Keeping - Round Robin Play

Round Robin Play

Also, applies to both Algonquin League’s final round robin and Classic League's final metal division round of play.

You must record your game wins, but you do not have to record your game (set) points.

Each game (set) may result in a win. In a match, a maximum of three games will be played, each set to 25 points (must win by 2), and there is a 27-point cap. If time expires before the conclusion of the third game, and the leading team is ahead by 2 points with more than 15 points, it will be considered a win for them; otherwise, it will not count. If three games are completed before the time limit, teams can continue playing for enjoyment, but no additional wins will be awarded. When the allotted time expires, ongoing plays may be completed before concluding the game if they were already in progress.

Submit your wins to the Winners Portal on Funtime Volleyball's website. The deadline is noon, every Thursday for Algonquin League and every Friday for Classic League on the week you played. Failure to submit your wins may result in a penalty against your team as this lack of action can indirectly affect the ranks of other teams.

Score Keeping - End of Season Playoffs and Tournament

End of Season Playoffs and Tournaments

Matches are played, best 2 out of 3. Once a team wins two games, the match is over. You don’t have to record your game points but you do have to record your game wins.

A maximum of three games (sets) will be played in a match, the first two sets to 25 (must win by 2) with a 27 point cap. If a third set is required, the first team to reach 8 points during the third match forces a switch of sides, then play continues and is played to 15 (must win by 2) with a 17 point cap.

There is no time limit to these matches but they must start at least 5 minutes after their scheduled time, unless the previous match is running longer. This allows teams to still have a 5-minute warmup prior to their match.

End of Season Playoffs: Submit your wins to the Winners Portal on Funtime Volleyball's website. The deadline is noon on the Friday of the week you played. Failure to submit your wins may result in a penalty against your team as this lack of action can indirectly affect the ranks of other teams.

End of Season Tournaments: Submit your wins to the Official on site. Volunteers will be assisting as referees and/or witnesses for score keeping.

Season Structure for Algonquin League (Tuesdays)

Start of Season – Triple Round Robin (21 matches per team)

All eight teams start the season in a triple round robin. All matches are 55 minutes. All teams get 5 minutes to warmup starting on the hour. All teams will then be ranked from 1st to 8th for the final round robin.

[Follow the score keeping rules for Round Robin Play above]

Final Round Robin

The top 4 teams will playoff against each other and so will the bottom 4 teams, each getting 3 matches in a single round robin. All teams will then be ranked from 1st to 8th for seeding purposes in our end of season playoffs. Past round robin matches will determine tiebreakers.

[Follow the score keeping rules for Round Robin Play above]

End of Season Playoffs

The end of season playoffs take place over 2 days, with a single elimination tournament structure.

On day 1, all 8 teams are seeded based on the results of the final round robin, with rank #1 playing against rank #8, rank #2 playing against rank #7 and so on in a single elimination playoff.

On day 2, only 4 teams will remain. Teams will play a single elimination tournament for the Algonquin Plaque. Teams in 1st, 2nd & 3rd will be recognized on our website.

[Follow the score keeping rules for End of Season Playoffs and Tournament above]

Season Structure for Classic League (Wednesdays)

Start of Season – Single Round Robin (9 matches per team)

The top ten teams from last season are placed in an upper (A) division. The remaining ten teams, including new teams, are placed in a lower (B) division. All teams within their respective divisions will compete in a single round robin to qualify for one of five metal divisions.

All matches are 55 minutes. All teams get 5 minutes to warmup starting on the hour.

[Follow the score keeping rules for Round Robin Play above]

Metal Divisions

There are 5 metal divisions: Platinum, being for the top 4 teams, Gold, Silver and Bronze for the next respective groups of 4 teams, and Copper for the bottom 4 teams. Rank for these divisions is initially set by the leagues first Single Round Robin. Division A teams will qualify for the first round of Platinum, Gold or Silver divisions while division B teams will qualify for the first round of Silver, Bronze or Copper divisions. There will only be 4 teams in each division.

There are 4 Metal division rounds, the last being the Metal division playoff which is still played as a Round Robin.

All matches are 55 minutes. All teams get 5 minutes to warmup starting on the hour.

Metal Division Round 1 – Double Round Robin (6 matches per team)

At the end of this round, the top 2 teams in a division will move up a division while the bottom 2 teams will move down a division.

[Follow the score keeping rules for Round Robin Play above]

Metal Division Round 2 – Double Round Robin (6 matches per team)

At the end of this round, the top team in a division will move up a division while the bottom team will move down a division.

[Follow the score keeping rules for Round Robin Play above]

Metal Division Round 3 – Single Round Robin (3 matches per team)

At the end of this round, the top team in a division will move up a division while the bottom team will move down a division.

[Follow the score keeping rules for Round Robin Play above]

Final Metal Division Round - Playoffs – Single Round Robin (3 matches per team)

At the end of this round, a winner will be announced for each division. Teams will no longer move up or down divisions. The ranks at the end of this round will be used for the end of season playoffs and for next season’s seeding.

[Follow the score keeping rules for Round Robin Play above]

End of Season Playoffs

The end of season playoffs take place over 2 days, with a single elimination tournament structure.

On day 1, the top 16 teams based on their rank in the 4th (Final) Metal divisional round will playoff, with rank #1 playing against rank #16, rank #2 playing against rank #15 and so on in a single elimination playoff. The bottom 4 teams will play off against each other in the same manner, also in a single elimination playoff.

On day 2, only 10 teams will remain. The top 8 will play a single elimination tournament for the Classic Championships Trophy while the bottom 2 will play one last match for their chance to win and take home the Second Chance Winners Trophies.

[Follow the score keeping rules for End of Season Playoffs and Tournaments above]

Members, Teams, Penalties, Tie Breakers and Forfeits


Only tournaments may be refereed. Referees will be volunteers from the league who have no personal stake in the outcome of the game. Since they are not professionals, mistakes will be made.  Politely point out your concerns.  During regular matches, the team captains will point out offences.


Teams may have a maximum of 12 players, 6 regulars and 6 spares.

The Captain is the only player allowed to stop plays, make calls, and discuss infractions with the other team’s captain. If they don’t feel comfortable doing this, they may designate another player to make calls.


Three males maximum on the court, any number of females. You may use players from your spare list. There is also a league On-Call list from which teams may draw spares. You may NOT borrow players from other teams, you will have to play short if you don’t have enough. Players on your team as full time players or spares may not spare for other teams. If you use a player from the league spare list more than twice, you must add them to your team spare list. Any changes may be submitted over the course of the year until the end of February. After that, no changes will be allowed.

On-Call List

Registration opens every year in July and closes in February. Teams may call anyone from the On-Call List but a player from the list can only play on a team for two matches. After two matches, the player must either join the team or refuse to play with the team. You can’t be on the On-Call List and be part of a team’s roster at the same time.

Net Height

The net will be set at a women’s net height of 2.24m (7’ 4” or 88”).

Game Ball

Only the official Funtime Volleyball League Game Ball (Mikasa V200W) may be used to play.

Free Zone

When a game is in progress, it is essential to be aware that players are entitled to a "Free Zone" extending approx. 5 meters (16 feet) around the court. While we understand that the gym does not have sufficient space to accommodate this entire area, we kindly ask players to sit quietly on the benches or against the walls when inside the gym. Alternatively, if playing at the SUCCI Wellness Centre (Minowaadiziiwin), you may choose to wait in the hallway and enjoy watching the game from there.


Infractions include but are not limited to: Unsportsmanlike conduct towards players or referees and missing matches without notifying the other team’s captain.

The following penalties will be given:

  1. First Time: A warning

  2. Second Time: Once ranks have been calculated at the end of the current division, a subtraction of 1 win will be applied to your team. This may affect your team’s rank.

  3. Third Time: Once ranks have been calculated at the end of the current division, a subtraction of 3 wins will be applied to your team. This may affect your team’s rank.

  4. Fourth Time: Dismissal from all Funtime Volleyball leagues


In the event of abusive behaviour, verbal or otherwise, you may not get any warnings and are at risk being dismissed from the league.


A team that misses a match or borrows a player from another team forfeits all 3 wins to the opposing team.

Delayed Match

Matches must start, no later than 5 minutes after the scheduled time. This 5 minutes is inteded for practice or warm ups. Officials may make an exception for matches that don’t have time limits like best of 3 matches.

  1. Teams that cause a 10-minute delay from the scheduled time (5-minute practice & 5-minute delay), forfeit 1 game (win) to the opposing team (this counts as 1 of your 3 games in your match).

  2. Teams that walk off (leave) the court, forfeit the remaining games as wins to the opposing team.

  3. Teams that cause a 20-minute delay from the scheduled time (5-minute practice & 15-minute delay) or don’t even show up, forfeit all 3 games and give 3 wins to the opposing team.


Rank is determined by the total game (set) wins within the current division followed by the win/loss difference in the current division. In the event of a tie, the league administrator will follow the rules for “Ties in Rank” to break any ties.

Ties in Rank (Tie Breakers)

In the event of a tie at the end of a division’s round of matches, ties are broken in the following order:

  1. The tied teams will be re-evaluated against each other within the tied division to see who performed better overall by awarding 2 points for a won match, 1 point for a tied match and zero points for a lost match (These points are for calculation purposes only);

  2. This will continue with the remaining tied teams, until there are no more ties;

  3. If there is still a tie, then the most recent head to head match within the division round will be the tie breaker;

  4. If there is still a tie, then the total head to head matches for the season will be reviewed to break the tie;

  5. If there is still a tie, then the total season wins will be the tie breaker;

  6. If there is still a tie, then the previous season's rank will be the tie breaker

  7. If there is still a tie, due to the teams being new and therefore not having a previous season's rank, then the captains will have to break the tie with a best 2 out of 3 game of “paper, rock scissors”, witnessed by a league official.


Game Play Rules

Funtime Volleyball follows the Reverse COED 6 rules outlined in the Volleyball Canada Rulebook with some recreational variations applied.


A point is awarded every time a rally finishes, whether serving or receiving.

First Serve

First ball will be determined by rock-paper-scissors at the beginning of the match. Then the loser of the previous set will get first serve in the next one.


Each team must rotate one position clockwise after winning the right to serve or after 5 consecutive serves in a row.

Ball In

The ball is “in” when it touches the floor of the playing court including the boundary lines.

Ball Out

The ball is “out” when:

  1. the part of the ball which contacts the floor is completely outside the boundary lines;

  2. it touches an object outside the court, the ceiling or a person out of play;

  3. it touches the antennae, ropes, posts or the net itself outside the side bands;

  4. it crosses the vertical plane of the net either partially or totally outside the crossing space

  5. it crosses completely the lower space under the net.

Team Hits

A hit is any contact with the ball by a player in play.

The team is entitled to a maximum of three hits (in addition to blocking), for returning the ball. If more are used, the team commits the fault of “FOUR HITS”.

CONSECUTIVE CONTACTS: A player may not hit the ball two times consecutively

SIMULTANEOUS CONTACTS:  Two or three players may touch the ball at the same moment.

When two (or three) team-mates touch the ball simultaneously, it is counted as two (or three) hits (with the exception of blocking). If they reach for the ball, but only one of them touches it, one hit is counted. A collision of players does not constitute a fault.

When two opponents touch the ball simultaneously over the net and the ball remains in play, the team receiving the ball is entitled to another three hits. If such a ball goes “out”, it is the fault of the team on the opposite side.

If simultaneous hits by two opponents over the net lead to an extended contact with the ball, play continues.

Assisted Hit

Within the playing area, a player is not permitted to take support from a team-mate or any structure/object in order to hit the ball.

However, a player who is about to commit a fault (touch the net or cross the centre line, etc.) may be stopped or held back by a team-mate.

The Hit

The ball may touch any part of the body.

The ball must not be caught and/or thrown. It can rebound in any direction.

The ball may touch various parts of the body, provided that the contacts take place simultaneously.


  1. at blocking, consecutive contacts may be made by one or more player(s), provided that the contacts occur during one action;

  2. at the first hit of the team, the ball may contact various parts of the body consecutively, provided that the contacts occur during one action.

  3. It is a fault, during the reception of service, to make a double contact or catch using an overhand finger action.


FOUR HITS: a team hits the ball four times before returning it.

ASSISTED HIT: a player takes support from a team-mate or any structure/ object in order to hit the ball within the playing area.

CATCH: the ball is caught and/or thrown; it does not rebound from the hit.

DOUBLE CONTACT: a player hits the ball twice in succession or the ball contacts various parts of his/her body in succession.

Ball at the Net

Ball Crossing the Net

The ball sent to the opponent's court must go over the net within the crossing space. The crossing space is the part of the vertical plane of the net limited as follows:

  1. below, by the top of the net;

  2. at the sides, by the antennae, and their imaginary extension;

  3. above, by the ceiling.

The ball that has crossed the net plane to the opponent's free zone totally or partly through the external space, may be played back within the team hits, provided that:

  1. the opponent's court is not touched by the player;

  2. the ball, when played back, crosses the net plane again totally or partly through the external space on the same side of the court.

  3. the opponent team may not prevent such action.

The ball that is heading towards the opponent’s court through the lower space is in play until the moment it has completely crossed the vertical plane of the net.

Ball Touching the Net

While crossing the net, the ball may touch it.

Ball in the Net

A ball driven into the net may be recovered within the limits of the three team hits.

If the ball rips the mesh of the net or tears it down, the rally is cancelled and replayed.

Player at the Net

Reaching Beyond the Net

In blocking, a player may touch the ball beyond the net (E.g. Umbrella Block), provided that he/she does not interfere with the opponent’s play before or during the latter's attack hit.

After an attack hit, a player is permitted to pass his/her hand beyond the net, provided that the contact has been made within his/her own playing space.

Penetration under the Net

It is permitted to penetrate into the opponent’s space under the net, provided that this does not interfere with the opponent’s play.

Penetration into the opponent's court, beyond the centre line:

  1. to touch the opponent's court with a foot (feet) is permitted, provided that some part of the penetrating foot (feet) remains either in contact with or directly above the centre line;

  2. to touch the opponent’s court with any part of the body above the feet is permitted provided that it does not interfere with the opponent’s play.

A player may enter the opponent's court after the ball goes out of play.

Players may penetrate into the opponent's free zone provided that they do not interfere with the opponent’s play.

Contact with the Net

Contact with the net by a player between the antennae, during the action of playing the ball, is a fault. The action of playing the ball includes (among others) take-off, hit (or attempt) and landing.

Players may touch the post, ropes, or any other object outside the antennae, including the net itself, provided that it does not interfere with the play.

When the ball is driven into the net, causing it to touch an opponent, no fault is committed.

Player’s Faults at the Net

A player touches the ball or an opponent in the opponent's space before or during the opponent’s attack hit.

A player interferes with the opponent's play while penetrating into the opponent’s space under the net.

A player’s foot (feet) penetrates completely into the opponent's court.

A player interferes with the opponent’s play by (amongst others):

  1. touching the top band of the net or the top 80 cm of the antenna during his/her action of playing the ball, or

  2. taking support from the net simultaneously with playing the ball, or

  3. creating an advantage over the opponent by touching the net, or

  4. making actions which hinder an opponent’s legitimate attempt to play the ball.


Execution of the Service

The ball shall be hit with one hand or any part of the arm after being tossed or released from the hand(s).

Only one toss or release of the ball is allowed. Dribbling or moving the ball in the hands is permitted.

At the moment of the service hit, the server must not touch the court (the end line included) or the floor outside the service zone.

After the hit, he/she may step or land outside the service zone, or inside the court.

The server must hit the ball within 8 seconds after the 1st referee whistles for service.

A service executed before the referee's whistle is cancelled and repeated.


The players of the serving team must not prevent their opponent, through individual or collective screening, from seeing the server and the flight path of the ball.

A player or a group of players of the serving team make(s) a screen by waving arms, jumping or moving sideways during the execution of the service, or by standing grouped to hide the server and the flight path of the ball.

Faults made during the Service

Serving Faults

The following faults lead to a change of service even if the opponent is out of position:

  1. The server does not execute the service properly.

Faults after the Service Hit.

After the ball has been correctly hit, the service becomes a fault (unless a player is out of position) if the ball:

  1. touches a player of the serving team or fails to cross the vertical plane of the net completely through the crossing space;

  2. goes “out”;

  3. passes over a screen.

Attack Hit

Characteristics of the Attack Hit

All actions which direct the ball towards the opponent, with the exception of service and block, are considered as attack hits.

During an attack hit, tipping is permitted only if the ball is cleanly hit, and not caught or thrown.

An attack hit is completed at the moment the ball completely crosses the vertical plane of the net or is touched by an opponent.

Restrictions of the Attack Hit

A front-row female player may complete an attack hit at any height, provided that the contact with the ball has been made within the player's own playing space.

A back-row or male player may complete an attack hit at any height from behind the front zone:

  1. at his/her take-off, the player's foot (feet) must neither have touched nor crossed over the attack line;

  2. after his/her hit, the player may land within the front zone.

[FUNTIME VOLLEYBALL] A back-row or male player may also complete an attack hit from the front zone, but only if at the moment of contact a part of the ball is lower than the top of the net or the ball is hit in an upward direction.

No player is permitted to complete an attack hit on the OPPONENT’S service, when the ball is in the front zone and entirely higher than the top of the net.

Faults of the Attack Hit

A player hits the ball within the playing space of the opposing team.

A player hits the ball “out”.

[FUNTIME VOLLEYBALL] A back-row or male player completes an attack hit from the front zone and at the moment of the hit, the ball is entirely higher than the top of the net and is hit downward.

A player completes an attack hit on the opponent's service, when the ball is in the front zone and entirely higher than the top of the net.

Party Ball

Opportunity for a front row player (Male or Female) to return an overpassed ball with a hit. This is the only time a male player may complete a proper attack hit with a downward direction as a front row player.

Overpassed Ball: Any ball played over the net simply to keep the ball alive should not be considered an attack attempt.



Blocking is the action of players close to the net to intercept the ball coming from the opponent by reaching higher than the top of the net, regardless of the height of the ball contact. Only front-row players are permitted to complete a block, but at the moment of the contact with the ball, a part of the body must be higher than the top of the net.

Block Attempt

A block attempt is the action of blocking without touching the ball.

Completed Block

A block is completed whenever the ball is touched by a blocker.

Collective Block

A collective block is executed by two or three players close to each other and is completed when one of them touches the ball.

Block Contact

Consecutive (quick and continuous) contacts with the ball may occur by one or more blockers, provided that the contacts are made during one action.

Blocking within the Opponent’s Space

In blocking, the player may place his/her hands and arms beyond the net (E.g. Umbrella Blocking), provided that this action does not interfere with the opponent’s play. Thus, it is not permitted to touch the ball beyond the net until an opponent has executed an attack hit.

Block and Team Hits

A block contact is not counted as a team hit. Consequently, after a block contact, a team is entitled to three hits to return the ball.

The first hit after the block may be executed by any player, including the one who has touched the ball during the block.

Blocking the Service

To block an opponent's service is forbidden.

Blocking Faults

The blocker touches the ball in the OPPONENT’S space either before or simultaneously with the opponent’s attack hit.

A back-row player completes a block or participates in a completed block.

Blocking the opponent’s service.

The ball is sent “out” off the block.

Blocking the ball in the opponent’s space from outside the antenna.

Home Courts

SUCCI Wellness Centre (Minowaadiziiwin)

1450 Nakina Drive

Thunder Bay, ON, P7C 4W1

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