Remove a Player/Team
Move a Player
You can't move a player from the On-Call List to a team's roster and vice versa. Only the captains can request to have a player removed or you can request to have yourself removed from the On-Call List or your team's roster. Said individual can then re-register. See below for more information.
Remove a Player
Only the player themself or their captain can request to have them removed from a team. Please contact us to be removed. Under "Subject", select the "Remove Myself" or "Remove my Teammate (Captains Only)" option. Once a player is removed, they can re-register themselves to a new team or the On-Call List.
Add a Player
Please see the Player Registration page or the On-Call List Registration page for more information.
Remove a Team
Only the captain of a team can request to have their team removed from the league. Please contact us to have your team removed. Under "Subject", select the "Remove My Team (Captains Only)" option.
Add a Team
Please see the Registration page for more information.
End of Season
All players will be removed from the system and be asked to re-register in July/August for the following season.